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At 9 a.m. on December 15th, my dad and I sat in his truck in the parking lot of DeSmet School. It was the morning of our first Christmas Bird Count of the year, and we were wondering if we had the place and time right. My dad pointed to a blue Prius driving towards us.
“Those look like birders.”
“Yeah, right.” I said as they turned and drove past us.

A minute later, though, the Prius reappeared and pulled into our parking lot—I guess they were birders! In a few minutes, four more cars pulled up, and we all got out and introduced ourselves. The leader of the count, Debbie Leick, whose name my dad and I recognized from eBird, was a cheerful and optimistic woman. We quickly divided into two groups—the harder but possibly more rewarding forest group, and the slightly easier lower Butler and LaValle Creek group. My dad and I joined the latter, along with Debbie and three excited women from Northwestern Montana: Madeline, Laura, and Heidi. Only Madeline was an experienced birder, but they all showed true birding spirit!
We took a quick check for birds around the school, then drove to the bottom of the canyon and parked our cars at a barn, where we picked up magpies, ravens, Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, pigeons and a Song Sparrow. We then shuttled up to the top of our route and hopped two fences and a creek, before slowly making our way back down the canyon.

The walk, though cold, was fun. It took about two hours to get to the bottom, and birds were sparse. We were in great company, though, and everyone was enthusiastic—maybe too enthusiastic. One woman forgot we were birding a few times and just randomly burst into song or started yelling with unprompted glee. My dad designated himself as our owl-finder—we had done this area four years ago on our very first CBC, and been lucky enough to spot a Western Screech-Owl wintering in an old woodpecker hole in the cottonwood draw. Unfortunately, during our whole walk today we did not see a single owl.
We did see some great birds, however. I spotted a large flock of winter-plumaged American Goldfinches that seemed to follow us, and we added Black-capped Chickadees, Townsend’s Solitaires, and a White-breasted Nuthatch to the tally. We also picked up House Finch and Red-breasted Nuthatch at feeders near the end of the route. Once we got back to the barn, my dad called out a group of eight Gray Partridges flying by!
We said goodbye to the other women, then took one last short drive with Debbie up Butler Creek Road. On the way up we tallied a few Wild Turkeys, hawks, magpies and flickers, but nothing to write home about. On the way down, though, I glimpsed a round shape perched high in a deciduous tree next to a house.

“Stop!” I said. The bird looked like a fat Northern Shrike, which would be a great addition to our list.
When I raised my binoculars, though, I was greeted with black false eye-spots.
“Northern Pygmy-Owl!” I yelled.
“What!?” was the reaction from the front of the car.
Suddenly, the bird flew—into a convenient tree right next to our car!
Just like the last time we’d birded here, we ended our CBC with a great, tiny owl!

Awesome NOPO photos, especially the second one! That one’s a wall-hanger. What a treat it must have been to see that owl.
I had to chuckle when you casually mentioned Red-tailed hawk and Bald Eagle (!) in the same sentence as the pigeons and song sparrow, as if they were all equally common and boring species that you see all the time. Maybe you do, but some of us would kill to get regular looks at those awesome species, ya know! Damn spoiled Montanans, lol.
We do see a lot of raptors up here, but we miss out on a lot of stuff that California has, so don’t consider yourself too unlucky! Then again, maybe Montana is just the superior state…
Wonderful post! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sneed.
Thank you, Tina! I’ll tell Braden. Merry Christmas to you, too!
What a treat to see a Northern Pygmy up so close! I am hearing many owl noises night now, like owls grunting and calling back and forth to each other. We had a Great Horned owl nest in an abandoned Magpie nest in a Box Elder tree in our back yard last spring and I’m hoping they with nest there again.
On another note, I am wondering how one accurately counts the birds you see in the field on the Christmas Count event? It seems so difficult when they are flying around, with the possibility of counting the same bird multiple times.
Yes, this was only the second we’ve ever gotten to observe at length. Delightful! With the CBC, I think most of us go for the most conservative number, even if we think there were more. We also don’t count birds we think we’ve already seen, such as on a “there and back” route. Today, for instance, we saw a lot of ducks. Our estimate of 1050 could easily have been off by 100 or even 200 either way, but you just do the best you can. Thanks for reading!
Hi! I went birding in that area and noticed your pygmy owl was submitted for 2 different hotspots. Just thought I’d letcha know!
Thanks, Sasha! We’ll get this taken care of 🙂
Hi, I just noticed this reply. Thought I would post a reminder since the two observations are still in eBird. Thanks!
Thanks! I think I just fixed this 🙂