FatherSonBirding’s 100th Post Video Spectacular: Counting Down Our Top 5 Most Popular Posts!

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Do you remember listening to American Top 40 as a kid? Sure you do! To celebrate our 100th post, we decided to count down FSB’s All-Time Most Popular Posts—with a video!

Yes, believe it or not, this is FatherSonBirding’s 100th post! Since we seem to be evolving toward a video world, Braden and I agreed that a video post would be a fun way to celebrate our last four years of birding and blogging. Just don’t get used to it! Videos take a lot more effort than regular blogging and, frankly, making videos eats into our birding time!

A few notes about the Top 5. They may not be technically correct since for some of our early posts, we may not have been gathering statistics on views. Also, we had not yet switched to a Payola scheme by which people pay us to make sure that certain posts are more popular. Just kidding! About the Payola, that is. I’ll always be curious just how many views our first post, A Quest for Snowy Owls (published March 13, 2018) has really received!

Also, below are some quick links to the posts mentioned in this blog. They are NOT IN ORDER of popularity so there’s no opportunity for cheating here! You’ll just have to watch the video to find out WHAT IS NUMBER ONE! Also, I have misspelled “Maclay Flat” as “McClay Flats” and other permutations. You’ll just have to forgive me!

Thank you for following our birding adventures. We appreciate you and hope this winter brings you plenty of birding adventures of your own!

Links to Blogs mentioned in the video (not in order of popularity):

Lucky Day at Maclay

Birding San Antonio’s River Walk? Are You Nuts?

Incredible Birthday Birding

For Birders, Every Year is a Big Year

Are You Ready for . . . the QUACH?

To view this video post on YouTube, CLICK HERE!

9 thoughts on “FatherSonBirding’s 100th Post Video Spectacular: Counting Down Our Top 5 Most Popular Posts!

    1. admin Post author

      Yes, unfortunately it’s tough to do something together when he’s busy with college–not to mention on the other side of the country! Glad you liked it, Bill!

  1. Rich Moser

    Very nicely written, first of all. Quite focused and entertaining (if a little breathy in places). But congratulations on getting halfway to your first triple-dij post, woo-hoo! When you said “on a lark” that got me to thinking. (Uh-oh.) A proper birding adventure should be undertaken in a properly named car, doncha think? Like a Lark, a Falcon or a T-Bird. Join our heroes again next year when they revel whether or not there’s a new post at number one! Until then, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the ….binoculars!

  2. Roger Kohn

    Just watched. That was fun and different! I think you must have slyly included some food keywords in your Riverwalk post to make it rank high in searches. Tacos, BBQ, pollo asado, Mexican pastries. Mmmmm! Hey, that’s cheating! But seriously, congratulations on your 100th post and the popularity of your blog. Richly deserved. Bird on and blog on!

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks, Roger! I definitely need to include some Mexican food tags to improve my SEO ratings! Glad you liked it 🙂

  3. George Scherman

    A long while back you posted on about a trip to Benton Lake I think it was on your own and maybe in May. It sounded fantastic and I would like to do a trip over there at roughly the same time. Can you figure out what date you were there?

    1. admin Post author

      Actually, George, it was June 13–which was on the late side for seeing Sharp-tailed Grouse actually displaying. I might suggest a week or two earlier if you’d like to catch that—and/or maybe call the ranger there to see how the spring is shaping up. Here is my checklist:
      So glad you’re planning a trip there!

      1. George Scherman

        Thanks for your prompt reply. I’m glad to hear that earlier would be better, as I have had good luck around Fort Benton at the end of May.


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