Celebrating Hummingbirds and More in Texas

Believe it or not, I just returned from my first actual birding festival in two years—and it was worth the wait! I was invited to speak at the 33rd annual HummerBird Celebration in Rockport-Fulton, Texas last year when, for covid—not corvid—reasons, organizers were forced to cancel the event. Even as I flew down this year, however, I had little idea what the celebration would be like. I was in for a treat.

One advantage of having mainly one kind of hummingbird in a region is that it greatly simplifies the almost impossible task of distinguishing female Ruby-throated from female Black-chinned hummingbirds!

The festival is organized by dedicated staff and volunteers at the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce and the event, as its name suggests, celebrates hummingbirds. “Wait a minute,” some of you may be asking, “aren’t there only three or four species of hummingbirds in eastern Texas in the fall?” Correct. But the event doesn’t focus only on diversity. It celebrates raw numbers, mainly of one species: Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. The entire community joins in, and one of the coolest things about HummerBird is the self-guided tour of houses full of feeders and backyard habitats where participants are encouraged to feast their eyes on a plethora of Ruby-throateds. The festival, though, offers much more.

Our hayride around Fennessey Ranch was definitely one of the highlights of my time at HummerBird!

One of my duties as a speaker was to co-lead a four-hour field trip of 40 birders out to Fennessey Ranch, a working ranch that also focuses on conservation and research. After struggling a bit to find the place, we split into two groups and began “hay rides” around the property, looking for as many birds as we could find. Coming from Montana, I discovered that almost every species was a Year Bird for me, but Braden has coached me well over the years, and together with my co-leader, ranch naturalist Sally Crofutt, we identified almost everything we heard and saw. They included some real surprises, including my Lifer Broad-winged Hawk, migrating Anhingas (I didn’t even realize they migrated!), and my find of the day—only my second-ever Blue Grosbeak.

Green Jay was our Fennessey group’s Most Wanted Bird, and this fellow obligingly complied with our wishes!

But the celebration offered much, much more, including:

  • other field trips to Welder Wildlife Refuge and boat trips up to Aransas NWR
  • a fabulous Hummer Mall packed with all kinds of bird-related vendors and demonstrations
  • a host of interesting speakers
  • great birding all along the area’s waterfront
One great thing about HummerBird is that terrific birding surrounded us. I found this cooperative Crested Caracara—along with numerous other species—along the shore just down from my hotel.

Speaking of speakers, I spoke to two enthusiastic audiences about Braden’s and my 2016 Big Year and other adventures, and before one of my talks I had the pleasure of listening to Dawn Hewitt, editor of Bird Watcher’s Digest. She gave wonderful hints on learning bird calls—something I would use almost immediately. I was surprised how well-attended the entire celebration turned out to be, and I headed back north feeling full of positive bird vibes as I prepared to spend a couple of days birding High Island and the Bolivar Peninsula—the subject of my next post(s)!

10 thoughts on “Celebrating Hummingbirds and More in Texas

  1. Penelope Collard

    My so fav post! I am on the birds of Texas FB site. Marvelous array of birds! I know you miss your birding buddy, but keep em coming. Love to you all! Ma

  2. Roger Kohn

    Sounds like a great trip, Sneed! Gotta put birding festivals on my retirement To Do list. Love the Green Jay and Crested Caracara. Exotic species to me!

  3. Sandy Jumper

    Thank you for the wonderful write-up! We really enjoyed having you here!! We hope to have you return
    Sandy Jumper
    VP of Marketing and Promotion
    Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce


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