Video Post: A Visit to Araucana Lodge (Colombia Birding Part 4)

Roger and I could easily write another ten or twelve posts about our recent birding adventures to Colombia, but I thought it would be fun to pack a lot of our experiences into a video featuring our main destination down there, the Araucana Lodge. The video not only introduces you to the joys of lodge birding, but features some of the famous birds and birding opportunities to be had in the mountains above Cali. Since large files don’t always work well on this blog host, we embed a YouTube link below. Let us know what you think—and enjoy the show!

Click Here to see the first of our Colombian birding post!

2 thoughts on “Video Post: A Visit to Araucana Lodge (Colombia Birding Part 4)

  1. Penelope Collard

    Iam in… let’s do it.
    Would be so wonderful!
    Thank you for this.
    Wanna be there!
    Rainforest…. Yes yes yes!
    Loved the Video!
    Yay. You crushed it!
    Love, Ma
    Ps how is your injury!


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