If you enjoy this blog, please visit Sneed’s website and the website of Bucking Horse Books, publisher of Woodpeckers: Drilling Holes and Bagging Bugs! Also listen to Braden’s and Sneed’s interview on Montana NPR’s “The Write Question”!
Below are some other blogs by birders, photographers, biologists, and writers that we’re sure you’ll love…
Writer, librarian, and birder Jeanette Larson writes a fun occasional blog called Bird Brainz: Birds, Birding, and Books. She also helped found a wonderful bird rehab center in Texas called Wings Rescue Center. Check it out!
Shane Sater is a wonderful writer and naturalist, and posts great articles about all kinds of cool, bird- and environment-related topics. Definitely look up his website at https://wildwithnature.com/.
Need a great bird guide for spring migration in or near Louisiana? Our good friend–and sometimes guest blogger–Nick Ramsey has just begun working for a new outfit called Louisiana Birding Guides. Do check it out: https://louisianabirdingguides.com/
We met Steven Kaye in Madera Canyon, Arizona, and he has a great blog full of great photos, photo and birding tips, and insights and observations. http://www.stevekaye.com/visit/
Roberta Gibson blogs about nature and science, especially for young people. You’ll enjoy her posts at Growing With Science.
Uschi Carpenter is a truly gifted nature photographer. Her photos always inspire and awe us. Check out her work at her online gallery!
For some great children’s science and science book features check out Melissa Stewart’s “Celebrate Science” blog, and the “STEM Tuesday” feature at the “Mixed-Up Files” blog.
Another wonderful blog that emphasizes the science-literature connection is LitLinks by author Patricia Newman. A recent guest post I put up can be found here, but I encourage you all to subscribe
This Just In: Pesticides are a huge concern for birds, and we plan to blog about this several times in the future. For now, two groups have come to our attention that are doing important work to stop the spread of these insidious chemicals that are killing birds and degrade our environment. One is ConsumerNotice.org, which is currently working on the RoundUp issue. The other is the American Bird Conservancy, which is taking a lead role to ban neonicotinoids. Please check out and support these groups!